De belichting van de tentoonstelling is afgeleid van licht dat kenmerkend is/was voor de Heerlense binnenstad. 
Als reactie op de heroïne-epidemie die Heerlen kende, werden vele portieken en openbare toiletten voorzien van blauw UV-licht. 
Verslaafden hebben door dit licht meer moeite met het vinden van aders, wanneer zij een injectie willen zetten.


The lighting of the exhibition is derived from light that is/was characteristic for the Heerlen city center. 
In response to the heroin epidemic Heerlen faced in the past, many porches and public restrooms were fitted with blue UV-light. 
Addicts have more trouble finding veins because of this light when they want to make an injection.
Dean Kisters takes night-time photographs on the streets of Heerlen. He photographs the rough and ready side of a rebellious city with its errant inhabitants. In the twilight zone between sleeping and waking, Kisters shows us the many faces of this post-industrial anti-city, both aboveground and underground. 
He registers reality not in a documentary form, but as a personal observation. Kisters' shots are poignant and uncompromising, whilst at the same time the noise and graininess give his images a cinematic and dreamlike quality. 
Kisters will be showing his latest photographic work UUME TUUT in large format in the SCHUNCK shop window.

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